Drug and Alcohol Use and Abuse by Students

17.0 Drug and Alcohol Use and Abuse by Students
It shall be a violation of district policy and considered to be behavior which is detrimental to the welfare or safety of other students or school personnel for any student to possess, use, sell, distribute or procure or to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other controlled substances. The unlawful possession or use of alcohol or controlled substances is wrong and harmful to students.
Controlled substances include but are not limited to narcotic drugs, hallucinogenic or mind-altering drugs or substances, amphetamines, barbiturates, stimulants, depressants, marijuana, anabolic steroids, any other controlled substances as defined in law, or any prescription or nonprescription drug, medicine, vitamin or other chemical substances not taken in accordance with district policy and regulations on administering medications to students. This also includes substances that are represented by or to the student to be any such controlled substance or what the student believes to be any such substance.
Violating this policy shall be subject to disciplinary sanctions, which may include suspension and/or expulsion from school, referral to drug counseling, the creation of a behavioral plan, and referral to law enforcement.
Drug Use
When a student is suspected of use, the person having the suspicion shall notify the building principal or designee. Notification must include reasons for such suspicion (observed use, unusual behavior, etc.). The building principal or designee will conduct a check of the suspected student and collect data. This action must comply with district policy on interrogations and searches.
If information is not sufficient to warrant further action, the building principal or designee may have a personal conference with the student expressing awareness and concern.
If information warrants, the parent/ guardian will be requested to attend a conference at school. The conference may include sharing the data collected, explaining consequences of involvement with drugs/alcohol, developing a plan of action and offering information and resources related to substance abuse.
When necessary, emergency health and safety care will be provided and procedural or disciplinary issues postponed until the student’s immediate needs are treated.
Students who possess alcohol, drugs, or other controlled substances, or drug containing or drug related paraphernalia in violation of district policy will be handled in the following manner.
A staff member who comes in contact with evidence and/or contraband shall immediately notify the building principal or designee.
A student who comes in contact with evidence and/or contraband shall immediately notify a teacher or staff member. Failure to report may be grounds for disciplinary action.
Students suspected of possession will be escorted to the principal or designee.
The principal or designee will undertake appropriate interrogation and search procedures.
The building principal or designee will place any evidence in an envelope or alternative container as necessary which will be sealed, dated, and initialed by the individual who originally obtained the materials and by the building principal or designee. The evidence will then be placed in a secure place.
The building principal or designee may contact appropriate law enforcement officials in each instance of possession or sale of controlled substances by a student. A mutual decision will be made as to retention of the contraband by the school or testing by the authorities.
When there is evidence of a student’s possessing illegal drugs, the student may be suspended and the parent/guardian notified and requested to attend a conference.
Any student, who distributes, trades, exchanges or sells controlled substances may be expelled.