Kimberly Barnes Speech Language Pathologist970-903-6356Riverview Elementary, Animas Valley Elementary
Lu Boren Agriculture TeacherMiller Middle School Ag/Vet Science Greenhouse teacher at Escalante Middle School
Michael Bork Teacher Physical Education / Specialist Football CoachNeedham Elementary Durango High School (Coach)
Courtney Capper Physical Education Teacher & Asst Boys' Basketball /Track CoachMiller Middle School
William Dodd PE Teacher/EMS Athltc Dir/Head Girls' Bsktb Coach/Boys Bskb AssEscalante Middle School
Shannon Donnaway Speech Language Pathologist970-317-3636Big Picture High School, Phoenix Program, Durango High School, Fort Lewis Mesa Elementary, Miller Middle School, Escalante Middle School
Aaron Egoak Assistant Football Coach DHS & Head Wrestling Coach EMSDurango High School Escalante Middle School
Shannon Kartheiser School Psychologist970-903-7453Fort Lewis Mesa Elementary, Sunnyside Elementary, Animas Valley Elementary
Kaitlin Miller ELD TeacherFlorida Mesa Elementary Fort Lewis Mesa Elementary Big Picture High School
Madison Obernesser Special Education Para / Asst. Track CoachAnimas Valley Elementary Durango High School
Whitney Vanden Broeck Special Education Instructional Para and Asst Volleyball CoachEscalante Middle School
Jeremy Voss Asst Principal for DBPHS/The HUB & Asst Cross-Country CoachBig Picture HS The Hub Durango HS
Richard White Cook @ AVE and Bus Driver in Training for TransportationAnimas Valley Elementary Transportation Department
Jamie Yarbrough Senior Administrative AssistantCurriculum & Assessment Instruction & Professional Development