Program Evaluation
Resource Allocation
Durango District 9-R allocates its resources to ensure that ALL learners receive equitable access to identification opportunities in Durango schools through universal testing in second and sixth grade as well as through regular, ongoing reviews of achievement data every quarter of each school year in a multi-tiered system of support which seeks to find and develop talented students. Durango provides gifted facilitators to intervene for gifted AND talented learners in a multi-tiered system of support, ensuring that both gifted AND talented students receive interventions in their education as soon as their traits emerge . . . when they need access to advanced and accelerated programming the most.
Student Growth and Achievement
Durango District 9-R reviews student growth and achievement data for ALL learners, including gifted learners, and uses a variety of qualitative and quantitative data to adjust practices. As a result, the academic growth and achievement of gifted students in Durango District 9-R is changing in some areas of identification but not in others and is commensurate with the changes seen in the district general education data at this time.
Data Driven Decision Making/Continuous Improvement
Durango District 9-R has data analysis systems in place for continuous improvement. In order to consistently improve over time, the gifted program plans to provide more opportunities for advanced and accelerated subject areas with ongoing progress monitoring to track students’ progress, staff reflections during the course of the pilot program, and data analysis as the district endeavors to improve its programming and achievement data over time.
Stakeholder Feedback
Durango District 9-R collects regular stakeholder feedback in order to improve its existing practices. Surveys are culturally responsive, are designed to reflect the demographics of the district, and are disaggregated to inform programming changes over time.