2024-25 Registration
PLEASE NOTE: Applications are not carried over from year to year. Please apply for the year you are interested in attending.
If your child will be 4 by September 1, 2024, please make sure to complete both the universal preschool application and the 9R interest form. If your child will be 3 by September 1, 2024, you will only need to complete the 9R interest form.
2024-25 enrollment process updates:
All families can apply to Universal Preschool starting February 29th. The general application will be open to all families.
Pre-Registration (estimated February 29-March 28)
With an eye toward continuity of care, a pre-registration process will be available for families with children currently enrolled, children with siblings currently enrolled, or with a family member currently employed by 9R School District.
Family Matching (Begins April-July)
The family Matching process will offer families a simplified opportunity to be matched with a ‘just-right fit,’ based on their top choices. To match with our programs please select your school of residence as your first choice. To find out what school is in your neighborhood you can view our attendance boundary page. Families will find a one-stop shop to browse providers, select top choices, review eligibility for the program, and submit an application for funding via upk.colorado.gov.
Walk-In Direct Enrollment (Begins July)
Closer to the start of the school year, families who have yet to enroll would work directly with us to enroll as space allows. Similar to the pre-registration process, families would be able to submit an application and directly enroll with our programs.
Students with an IEP (Year Round)
Throughout the enrollment process and school year, children with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) will be supported through direct application, registration, and enrollment through our programs.