Parent and Teacher Conferences
Parent/teacher conferences will be scheduled twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. Please see the current calendar for more information on dates of parent/teacher conferences. Parents or guardians are encouraged to attend to learn about their student’s progress in the educational program. Parents may schedule additional conferences throughout the year by making an appointment with your student’s teacher, counselor or administrator. You will receive parent/teacher conference notices and information from your school.
Report Cards and Progress Reports
Report cards are issued at the end of a semester for all 9-R schools for all students. Middle school and high school students may check their progress with our online grade book through the IC Campus Parent Portal on your school website. Parents and students can view grades, attendance and assignments there. Each student is issued a username and password, and all parents and guardians are encourage to set up a IC Campus Parent Portal account, if they have not already done so.
Resolving Conflict
Teachers and parents share responsibility for the education and socialization of children, and it is important that they be mindful of the impact of their interactions as a model of problem-solving behavior. It is necessary to be discreet and respectful in expressing their thoughts and feelings to each other, and to avoid involving children in their disagreements.
Strategies for Parents:
- Listen to your child, and remember that there are two sides to every story.
- Decide if a call to the school is necessary. A cooling off period may be appropriate.
- Talk directly with the teacher in person or by phone. Check the facts, define the problem, and develop a solution.
- Avoid criticizing teachers in front of children.
Strategies for Teachers:
- Let parents know that they may contact you.
- Invite parents to observe in the classroom.
- Early in the school year, ask parents what their main concerns and goals are for their child.
- Involve parents in classroom activities.
- Be discreet about discussing children and their families.
Students Concerns, Complaints, Grievances–Procedures for Filing Complaints
Conference with staff member: Students who have concerns or complaints, shall discuss it first with the staff member involved to see if the problem can be resolved at that level.
Informal conference: If discussion with the staff member fails to resolve the concern to the student’s satisfaction and the student considers the matter serious enough to justify further discussion, an informal conference shall be scheduled with the student, the staff member involved, and the building administrator. The conference should be requested by the student promptly after the conference with the involved staff member and shall be scheduled within two weeks after the student’s request.
Written complaint: If the conference with the involved staff member and the building administrator fails to resolve the student’s complaint, the student shall need to prepare, sign, and file a written complaint with the building administrator within two weeks after the completion of the informal conference. Upon the student’s request, the building administrator shall supply a complaint form for this purpose.
Formal complaint conference: After the building administrator has received the written complaint, a copy shall be given to the staff member involved and a formal conference shall be held between the building administrator and the staff member. This conference shall be completed within two weeks after the receipt of the written complaint.
Administrative determination: Within two weeks following the formal complaint conference, the building administrator shall determine whether: The complaint is justified and documentation regarding the complaint is to be included in the staff member’s personnel file and/or evaluation report, or; The complaint is without justification and documentation shall not be included in the staff member’s personnel file or evaluation report.
Notice of administrative determination: The building administrator shall mail or deliver a written copy of his or her decision to the student and to the staff member involved. Appeal to the Director of Student Support Services: If the student believes the decision reached by the building administrator is wrong, the student may appeal the decision to the Director of Student Support Services.
The time limits specified in this regulation should be the maximum times allowed for the specified events to occur. Although time limits may be extended by agreement of the parties involved, every effort shall be made to ensure a quick resolution of the complaint.
Guardianship and Custody
State and federal laws require schools to treat both parents equally regarding school visitations and access to student-related information. Schools will make every attempt to send information to both parents — if both parents have provided contact information. If one parent is not allowed to have contact with a student, the custodial parent must provide the school with a copy of the court order specifically stating the conditions of the restriction. If a question about legal guardianship arises, the school principal will require documentation from the student’s legal guardian to protect all involved. Any child custody issues regarding the school will be resolved based on the documentation that the school has available on file.
Durango middle schools and high school allow any student enrolled in a charter school, private school, home school, or shared school to participate on an equal basis in any activity offered by district schools that is not offered at the student’s school of attendance. Non-9-R students must comply with all eligibility and behavioral requirements imposed by the Colorado High School Activities Association, the 9-R Athletic and Activity Code of Conduct found in the DHS Student Handbook, and the coaches/sponsors of the activity in which they are participating. They are also subject to any and all rules and regulations as set forth in the Student Planner, the Student & Family Success Guide, and the Board of Education Administrative Regulations. Non-Durango 9-R students will be charged participation fees per Colorado State Statute.