Bidding Information
Durango School District 9-R requires all contractual services and purchases of supplies, materials, and equipment (with the exception of instructional services) in the amount of $10,000 or more to be put to bid. Purchases between $10,000 and $25,000 shall require three written bids and the approval of the superintendent or his designee. Purchases over $25,000 shall require at least three written bids, review and approval of the superintendent or her designee, and final approval of the Board. No favoritism shall be extended to any vendor.
Formal Bids (those with an approximate value of $25,000 or over) are usually advertised in the Legal Section of The Durango Herald. Complete bidding information and downloadable documents are available on 9-R’s website.
Submission of bids shall be sealed in an envelope with the vendor’s name and the RFP number on the outside. Offers submitted via fax machines or email will not be accepted.
Bid opening dates and times are firm. Bids must be present and time-stamped at the Finance Department on or PRIOR TO the bid opening date and time indicated on and in the bid documents. Bids received after the date and time set for the opening shall be considered non-responsive and returned unopened to the Vendor.
Modifications or withdrawal of offers may occur only PRIOR TO the set bid opening time and date. No more than one modification may be submitted.
Unless otherwise noted in the bid documents, bid openings will occur in 9-R’s Finance Department located at 201 E. 12th Street.
Durango School District 9-R reserves the right to waive, modify, or otherwise vary the conditions or requirements herein and may accept or reject any and all proposals as the Board of Education, in its sole discretion, deems to be in the best interest of the school district. The District may determine the criteria and process whereby offers are evaluated and awarded; it shall not be bound to accept the lowest priced proposal, but may accept such proposal, if any, as the Board of Education determines to be in the best interests of the School District. No damages shall be recoverable by any challenger as a result of these determinations or decisions by the district.
Formal Bids (those with an approximate value of $25,000 or over) are usually advertised in the Legal Section of The Durango Herald. Complete bidding information and downloadable documents are available on 9-R’s website.
Submission of bids shall be sealed in an envelope with the vendor’s name and the RFP number on the outside. Offers submitted via fax machines or email will not be accepted.
Bid opening dates and times are firm. Bids must be present and time-stamped at the Finance Department on or PRIOR TO the bid opening date and time indicated on and in the bid documents. Bids received after the date and time set for the opening shall be considered non-responsive and returned unopened to the Vendor.
Modifications or withdrawal of offers may occur only PRIOR TO the set bid opening time and date. No more than one modification may be submitted.
Unless otherwise noted in the bid documents, bid openings will occur in 9-R’s Finance Department located at 201 E. 12th Street.
Durango School District 9-R reserves the right to waive, modify, or otherwise vary the conditions or requirements herein and may accept or reject any and all proposals as the Board of Education, in its sole discretion, deems to be in the best interest of the school district. The District may determine the criteria and process whereby offers are evaluated and awarded; it shall not be bound to accept the lowest priced proposal, but may accept such proposal, if any, as the Board of Education determines to be in the best interests of the School District. No damages shall be recoverable by any challenger as a result of these determinations or decisions by the district.
Current Bids
For current bids, use the following links below as indicated: