Snow Day Frequently Asked Questions
Why doesn’t the District make a Snow Day decision the night before to give people time to make plans?
Our goal is to keep our schools open and our students in class. We do not want to cancel school unnecessarily if there’s any possibility that roads will be safe to drive after plows work through the night. This isn’t known until the early morning. Weather patterns and road conditions change rapidly in our area, which means we must decide on a Delay or Closure early in the morning of a school day. We know this decision process can make it challenging to plan ahead, and we appreciate your patience in adapting to changing conditions.
During some Snow Day closures, there is very little snow at my house and the roads near me are fine. Why is this considered “severe weather” and “hazardous roads”?
It’s a matter of perspective. La Plata County has many different microclimates and the District includes a 1,000 square mile footprint, which means storm patterns can vary between heavy snow in one area and light rain in another. School buses face unique challenges on slick roads. One of the district’s primary concerns is whether our bus drivers can navigate hazardous roads and get children to school safely. There is a wide variety between individual commuters as well. Consider this comparison: An inexperienced teenage driver in a two-wheel drive car with worn tires will have a different risk factor than a bus driver or a longtime resident in a four-wheel drive, high-clearance vehicle.
How many Snow Days can the District use?
Colorado law requires schools to provide a minimum number of hours of instruction. The total number of instruction hours can be more than that, and varies depending on the calendar for a specific year. By law, schools can reduce up to 24 hours below the designated minimum for safety reasons that students do not have to make up.
What happens if the District uses the last Snow Day, and then there are more days ahead with hazardous road conditions?
Per state regulations, we have a minimum number of hours in elementary, middle, and high schools that must be dedicated to in-person learning. The 2024/25 Academic Calendar has additional days at the end of the school year that will serve as a buffer for snow days. Please see the calendar link, above, for those dates. These extra days may not need to be used. Staff and families should be aware that school may extend into these days and plan vacations or personal time accordingly.
How and when are the delay/closure notifications delivered?
The District collaborates with multiple agencies and receives road reports from early-arriving staff members between midnight and 5 a.m. (Please refer to our Snow Day Timeline infographic for details.) After weighing multiple factors and consulting with the local Office of Emergency Management, District administrators make the decision on a delay or closure around 5:30 a.m. Next, the District communications team prepares a message across multiple channels and sends it out as soon as possible following the decision. Channels include:
Simultaneous text, call, and email to all emergency contacts listed in Infinite Campus
District website at
District Information Line at (970) 375-3811
Posts on District and school-specific social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
Communication with local radio stations and newspapers
I am not receiving emergency notifications. What should I do?
Please log in to your Parent Portal account in Infinite Campus and carefully check your emergency contact information, including spelling of emails and listing of phone numbers. You must be listed as an emergency contact in Infinite Campus to receive the notifications. If you do not have a Parent Portal account, please submit this request to Student Information Services. You can also verify that your phone is set up to receive these messages:
To receive phone calls: Call (855) 502-7867 from the phone line you wish to receive calls and follow the prompts.
To receive text messages: Text START to "60680" from the phone you wish to receive texts.
Note that if you opt out by typing "STOP" to any emergency message from the district, you will no longer receive any messages.
How and when are the delay/closure notifications delivered?
The CodeRED Emergency Notification System is a public alert system used to notify residents about emergency situations in their area. The system can send location-specific alerts, meaning that only those in affected areas receive notifications, allowing for more precise and relevant information. This is especially useful for emergencies like wildfires or hazardous weather that might impact only certain parts of the county.
Durango Code Red:
Emergency-Alerts -
La Plata County Code Red:
services/public_safety/ emergency_information.php
What should I expect for bus transportation when there is winter weather, but a Snow Day is not called?
If roads are determined to be safe for buses during winter weather, please expect delays of up to 15-45 minutes for all bus routes. Students should wear warm winter clothing and footwear to wait at bus stops. We appreciate the patience of families and students, as winter driving conditions can be slow and unpredictable. Drivers will proceed slowly and carefully to keep students safe.
What is a Delayed Opening?
On occasion, a Delayed Opening message will be delivered. This is an effort to give road workers a two-hour window to clear the roads in the morning. Please note that a Snow Day Closure may still be called after a delay message is sent around 5:30 a.m. Before leaving for school after a delay message, please check all the channels listed above to determine whether school will be open or closed. If there is no delay or closure, no message will be sent and schools with open at the regular times.
What if some students are unaware of the school closures and arrive at school entrances and bus stops?
A Delayed Opening notification means everything will be delayed for two hours, including bus pick-up and entry into school buildings. Students should not be dropped off early. There is no early pick-up, and school doors will be locked and inaccessible. Please remember to check the District Information Hotline at (970) 375-3811 and district website for the most recent updates before leaving your home and driving to school or bus stops.
How can I prepare for the potential of a Snow Day?
Check the weather the night before.
Prepare your vehicle, driveway, and access roads.
Get up early, plan to leave your house early, and remain calm and flexible.
Prepare alternate daycare plans for your student(s).
Drive slowly and do not pass plows or other drivers.
Buses may be delayed as drivers take extra care on the roads. Please make sure your children are wearing appropriate winter clothing at the bus stops, including warm coats, boots, gloves, and hats.
If you would like your child to ride the bus instead of driving him/her to school, contact our Transportation Department in advance at (970) 247-5335; email [email protected]; or click this bus registration link.
I have strong feelings about Snow Day decisions. How can I share my opinion?
A disruption in routine can be unsettling for children and adults. It’s a good opportunity to practice kindness and model the Portrait of a Graduate competencies of Empathetic Collaborator, Resilient Risk-Taker, and Creative Problem-Solver. This is not an easy decision. Remember that our focus is to keep children in school; but the safety of our students, staff, and families is our top priority. To share your feedback regarding a Snow Day decision, email [email protected].
Read LaPlata County Snow Removal Policy
How does Durango School District determine whether to close or delay school during winter weather?
This infographic describes Durango School District's Snow Day decision process:

Here's how Durango School District 9-R makes the call to close schools or keep them open when there is snow on the roads.
12 a.m.: City of Durango, CDOT, and La Plata County snowplow drivers work to keep roads clear.
4 a.m.: Officials from multiple agencies, such as CDOT, LPEA, City, and County, communicate with the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) and assess the risks to public safety due to weather. OEM calls Durango School District 9-R's safety director with a recommendation regarding school closures.
4:30 a.m.: Multiple district staff members report on road conditions. This includes the transportation director and staff who commute from remote areas or those who arrive at schools very early.
5 a.m.: The district's superintendent and safety director make the call on whether to close schools for a Snow Day. This decision is based on input from over 100 experts and direct evidence from road reports.
If there is a Snow Day closure – 5:30 a.m.: The Communication Department shares Snow Day closure information with families and the public via text, voicemail, email, social media channels, the district website, and local media outlets.
If schools are open – 5:45 a.m.: No communication is sent. Buses begin running normally at 5:45 a.m. School district facilities crews clear school roads, parking lots, and sidewalks.
Tips for families
Ensure your contact information is correct in Infinite Campus.
Watch the forecast and prepare your vehicle for driving in snow.
Drive safely and do not pass plows, buses, or slower drivers.
District Information Line: 970-375-3811
District website: