State Assessments

CMAS and PSAT/SAT are the only common measuring tools for Colorado students. The tests measure real-world skills like problem-solving and critical thinking and are aligned to classroom work, so teachers don’t have to “teach to the test.” Instruction based on the standards is the best preparation. The data from assessments are critical in determining if educational goals are being met and if students are on track to graduate prepared for college and careers. 

While state assessments are only one measure of student learning, having all Colorado students take this set of assessments provides parents with answers to these important questions:

  • Did my child meet the state standards? 
  • How is my child doing academically after the disruptions caused by the pandemic? 
  • Does my child need additional services and help? 
  • How well is my child doing compared to other students in the same grade? 
  • Which schools and districts perform best in preparing students for academic success?
  • Which districts have the best performance on the state assessments for children with special needs?


Role of State Assessments
El Rol de las Evaluaciones Estatales


Source: Colorado Department of Education