Meet Our Team



Dr. Vanessa Giddings
Director of Student Support Services
Steve Steiner
Coordinator of Special Education
Mari Goldstrand
Director of Special Education
Sandy Seibert
Special Education Program Specialist

School Psychologists


Sarah Brooks

School Psychologist

[email protected]


Shannon Kartheiser 

School Psychologist

[email protected]


Amanda Rich

School Psychologist

[email protected]

MacKenzie Domilise
School Psychologist
[email protected]

Patrick Callahan

School Psychologist

[email protected]


Andrea Guttormson
School Psychologist
[email protected]



Speech Language Pathologists


Kimberly Barnes

Speech Language Pathologist

[email protected]


Cathlin Burns

Speech Language Pathologist

[email protected]


Shannon Donnaway 

Speech Language Pathologist

[email protected]


Kimberly Hixon

Speech Language Pathologist

[email protected]

Talia Manahan

Speech Language Pathologist

[email protected]


Julia Pagano

Speech Language Pathologist

[email protected]


Jaclyn Patrick 

Speech Language Pathologist

[email protected]


Jessica Donnaway

Speech/Language Pathologist

[email protected]


Occupational Therapists

Sara Crystal

Occupational Therapist

[email protected]


Erin Dimas

Occupational Therapist

[email protected]

Melissa Miller

Occupational Therapist

[email protected]


Certified Occupational Therapist Assistants


Jeff Hines
Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant
[email protected]

Brenna Johnston
Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant [email protected]


Physical Therapist

Krista Scott

Physical Therapist

[email protected]



Child Find

Jennifer Baufield
Coordinator of Early Childhood Education/Child Find
Kristin Spiegel

Child Find Specialist 

[email protected]



Early Childhood Special Education Teachers

Rebecca Albright
Early Childhood Special Education Teacher
[email protected]

Hannah Hendry
Early Childhood Special Education Teacher
[email protected]



Hannah Barovier
Early Childhood Special Education Teacher
[email protected]


District Lead Special Education Paraprofessionals


Amber Coleman

Special Education Instructional Paraprofessional

[email protected]

Jessica Wood

Special Education Instructional Paraprofessional

[email protected]


District Behavior Specialist

Jane Dally

District Behavior Specialist

[email protected]


Board Certified Behavior Analysts


John Hoffman

Board Certified Behavioral Analyst

[email protected]


Sarah Stafford
Board Certified Behavioral Analyst
[email protected]

Elyssa Clark
Board Certified Behavior Analyst
[email protected]


Behavior Interventionists

Alex Williams

Behavior Interventionist

[email protected]

Victoria Swinghamer

Behavior Interventionist

[email protected]



Homebound Instructor


Joshua Smiles

Homebound instructor

[email protected]


Social Workers


Amy Hackmeier

School Social Worker

[email protected]


Robyn Klein

School Social Worker

[email protected]


Elissa Rathje

School Social Worker

[email protected]

Megan Murphy
School Social Worker

[email protected]


Faith Standifer

School Social Worker

[email protected]


Sarah Schreiber

School Social Worker

s[email protected]


Parent/Guardian School Liaisons


Gabriela Rico Alvarez

Parent Guardian Liaison

[email protected]


Flor Hernandez

Parent/Guardian School Liaison

[email protected]

Karla Spangler

Parent/Guardian School Liaison

[email protected]


Michael Tom

Parent/Guardian School Liaison

[email protected]


Aubrey Farnham

Parent/Guardian School Liaison

[email protected]


Pathways Program

Brinley Caldwell
Special Education Teacher



Common Grounds

Corrie McCarthy

Special Education Paraprofessional

[email protected]


District Dyslexia Specialist


Marie Mahmouzian

District Dyslexia Specialist

[email protected]


Vision, Orientation, and Mobility

Mike Plansker
Teacher of the Visually Impaired, Orientation & Mobility


Kasey Hope