Summer Food Service Program a Community Success

Matt Poling, our Food & Nutrition Services Director, and his staff did an amazing job prepping the food, staffing the tables daily, sharing district information, and being a friendly face to connect with families. This team made a meaningful difference in our community this summer. Our district plans to continue and expand the program next summer. 

“The Summer Food Service Program provides meals to our community during a time when school is not in session. For many families, school is where their child gets their healthiest meal option, and we are happy that SFSP can fill that summer gap in a child's nutrition. We definitely plan on continuing the program next summer, and hope to expand the programming to more school sites and city parks.” Poling said.

Christy A. Martinez , Kitchen Manager Needham Elementary, said ”Parent comments that I heard included: 'I wish my hometown would do this for our children.' 'I make my kids food but they won’t eat it. That is why I bring them here because they will eat this.’”

"Families were very appreciative of the program. One parent said, "You couldn’t possibly understand how much this program helped us this summer." Even non-participants thanked us for being there serving the community. Some participants told us coming to the park was the highlight of their day, to grab lunch and have a nice picnic or go play at the playground. It felt good to provide a service that reached so many families in need. It was a huge success! One family even baked us cookies as a thank you."   – Angela Fosco, Cafeteria Manager, Animas Valley Elementary.
