Title VI

The Title VI Native American Education program utilizes funding from the Federal Government in order to provide services for our Native American students and families in Durango School District 9-R. We are able to provide services by requesting that our Native American families complete the 506 Student Eligibility Certification form(s). If your child does not have a tribal enrollment number, parent or grandparent numbers are accepted. Enrollment numbers will only be used as documentation for grant purposes. The forms will be kept on file at the Native American Education office in the District Administration Building and used for district data in regards to Native American enrollment in the school district.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 establishes Title VI Indian Education. This was previously known as Title VII under No Child Left Behind. To read the full text please click on the following link: http://www.everystudentsucceedsact.org/title-vl-sec-6001-conforming-amendments 

Please view our Native American Education link to see all that we do to support our Native American students and families. 


Where do I access the Title VI 506 Form?

Below is a link to access the Title VI 506 Form.