Varied Assessment
Key Traits
- Students use varied means to demonstrate learning.
- Students have choices about how they demonstrate their learning.
- Students use multiple and/or varied pathways to reach common ends (Performance Indicators).
- Assessments are relevant, authentic, and purposeful.
Literature Supporting the Element
1. “Effective education requires the fusion of skill and will such that intrinsic interest and motivation are given at least
as much attention as cognitive outcomes (Crooks, 1988). Research suggests that when students share in the
assessment process, they perceive more control of, and more responsibility for, their own learning (Rieg, 2007).
Allowing students to help determine the criteria by which their work is judged gives them a feeling of empowerment
and makes evaluation of their work seem less punitive and more constructive (Brookhart, 1997; Rieg, 2007). In turn,
the positive effects on self-efficacy and motivation are likely to promote learning and achievement. Consistent with
this notion, Haydel & Roeser (2002) found that students who believe they can affect their learning through persistently
engaging in the educational process score better on standardized tests.”
—Clark, Tedra, Englert, K., Frazee, D., Shebby, S., & Randel, B. Stupski Foundation’s Learning System: Assessment.
Mid-continent Research for Learning. Denver, CO: McREL. Retrieved from
as much attention as cognitive outcomes (Crooks, 1988). Research suggests that when students share in the
assessment process, they perceive more control of, and more responsibility for, their own learning (Rieg, 2007).
Allowing students to help determine the criteria by which their work is judged gives them a feeling of empowerment
and makes evaluation of their work seem less punitive and more constructive (Brookhart, 1997; Rieg, 2007). In turn,
the positive effects on self-efficacy and motivation are likely to promote learning and achievement. Consistent with
this notion, Haydel & Roeser (2002) found that students who believe they can affect their learning through persistently
engaging in the educational process score better on standardized tests.”
—Clark, Tedra, Englert, K., Frazee, D., Shebby, S., & Randel, B. Stupski Foundation’s Learning System: Assessment.
Mid-continent Research for Learning. Denver, CO: McREL. Retrieved from