2nd Annual SOIL Art Contest is Underway

How can gardens change the world?

Gardens have inspired artists for centuries. Now it’s time for students and community members to inspire their neighbors with their creativity.

We’re inviting all Durango School District 9-R students and community members to submit a piece of artwork for the second annual SOIL Art Contest. The contest is open to everyone, and school-age students are encouraged to enter their artwork in addition to, and independent of, school art submissions. 

Finalists will receive fun prizes and have weatherproof prints of their work displayed at the SOIL Outdoor Learning Lab.

  • Create a painting, drawing, photo, or mixed media piece that answers the question “How can a garden change the world?
  • Images can be vertical or horizontal. (Winning art will be displayed at 11x17” size.) 
  • Take a photo or scan the finished work and submit it HERE, or use the QR code below.
  • Remember to send the image as “actual size” or high-resolution JPG or PDF file. 
  • Include the artist’s name, grade & school (if applicable), and contact information with the digital upload.

Students, families, and community members are invited to participate in real-time judging of the finalists via cell phones at the SOIL Gallery Walk event on Wednesday, October 18th from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Riverview Elementary School. 

Three Grand Prize winners will receive gift cards to local restaurants, Zia or Sage. All finalists will receive a gift card to Cream Bean Berry.

Contact  SOIL Garden Manager, Allison Riederer with questions: [email protected]

Learn more about SOIL.
SOIL Learning Lab Art Contest poster