9-R COVID-19 Guidelines for the 21/22 School Year - Community Survey and Feedback Session

As with the previous school year, it is important to strike a balance between the risk and the benefit of any of these mitigation measures or practices we implement to support academic and social-emotional needs of students in school. Here are our current considerations around guidelines for COVID-19 in schools, based on guidance and recommendations issued by the Center of Disease Control and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment:

  1. Continuing daily symptom screening/stay home when sick
  2. Masking for unvaccinated students and staff
  3. Maintain physical distancing of 3-feet
  4. Regular hand washing
  5. Continuing enhanced cleaning/disinfecting
  6. Optimizing ventilation
  7. Resume a traditional school day and academic schedule without cohorting
  8. Isolating positive cases, contact tracing and targeted quarantine for those exposed who are unvaccinated
  9. Opt-in weekly/regular testing
  10. Limiting visitors/guests to the schools and classrooms

Vaccines are available for all individuals in La Plata County aged 12 and up. Additionally, the district is also dependent on the community reaching a total population of 70% vaccinated with the first vaccination. This percentage would allow the school district to alleviate school disruptions, including cohorting, quarantines and masking. We are currently, as a community, at 68% vaccination rate. Based on current guidance from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, vaccinated individuals will not have to quarantine if exposed to a positive COVID case, and will not need to wear a mask when in school. This information informs the district on developing these guidelines in determining a continuum of in-person learning and normal operations in response to the local data. 

Information regarding vaccinations can be found at San Juan Basin Public Health’s website https://sjbpublichealth.org/covid-19-vaccine or call your primary care provider.

Based on the current situation, there are several mitigation strategies being considered and the district wants to solicit community input to help finalize these decisions before the final COVID mitigation plan is established for the district.


Feedback Session

In addition to this survey, a community feedback session is planned for August 3, 2021 at Durango High School auditorium at 5:30. If you would like to provide public feedback at this session, the following form MUST BE completed by Monday, August 2, 2021 by 5pm. If you have trouble with the form or need assistance, please contact the district office at 970-247-5411 or email us at [email protected].

Feedback Session Form


With the above guidelines in mind, please respond to the survey HERE.
