Parent/Guardian School Liaisons Make Connections

 9-R currently has four liaisons, most assigned to multiple schools. This team's main role is to help strengthen connections between home and school. They serve as a liaison between school staff, parents/guardians, students, and the community. They are available to answer questions and provide support and guidance related to educational programs, attendance, academics, behavior and health. 

The positions were created in response to recommendations made by the Culture & Equity Design Team and the district's commitment to increasing equitable outcomes for 9-R students. The driving goal is to increase student success.  

Each of the liaisons are bilingual.  The liaisons say that the parents, who are often minority, feel more comfortable speaking with someone who looks like them and can speak their language. Parents, and their students, are more comfortable to open up and discuss important or difficult topics. The liaisons are there to help families develop a sense of understanding and belonging within their school community.  Homework, the importance of attendance, and how to talk with their kids about school are some of the topics that the liaisons handle.  They check in regularly with parents to keep communication flowing and to address any new concerns or questions.

 Parent/Guardian Liaisons are:

  • Lili Hernandez at Animas Valley, Needham, and Big Picture.
    Lili speaks English and Spanish.
  • Gabby Rico Alvarez at Escalante and Park.
    Gabby speaks English and Spanish.
  • Karla Spangler at Durango High School. 
    Karla speaks English and Spanish.
  • Michael Tom at Miller and Riverview. 
    Michael speaks English and Navajo
  • to be hired at Florida Mesa, Sunnyside, and Ft. Lewis Mesa

If you are interested in meeting with a Parent/Guardian Liaison, call your child’s school.
